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Pre-Order Checklist

Please send 1 zip file containing only the required files for fastest processing.


Gerber RS274X or RS274D (includes separate aperture list )

Positive Gerber layers: Top & Bottom (more inner layers for multilayer boards)

All spaces/traces are a minimum of 0.2mm (8mil) or larger

NC Excellon Drill file

Board Shape Outline

Board outline is drawn around perimeter only using a non-breaking trace with no internal cut-outs.

Solder Mask

Solder mask swell is at least .008 larger than copper surfaces to keep mask off pads.

Silk Legend

1. Included a top silkscreen file and optional bottom silkscreen file.

2. Silkscreen does not cover soldering surfaces.

3. Silkscreen traces are drawn with .007 (7mil) or larger aperture line width (not height) to ensure legibility.


Links:PCB China PCB Prototype PCB Fabrication PCB Manufacturer PCB Manufacturing